Take a Journey to

Heal Your Soul


“Calling All Daughters! A Biblical Blueprint to Restore Your Mother-Daughter Relationship” is for those of us who did not have an idyllic mother-daughter relationship.

As a result we’ve struggled with self-identity and self-esteem—never allowing our authentic selves to be front and center. This challenging relationship dynamic impacts so many areas of our lives, including our ability to truly love ourselves and others, as well as our attitudes toward giving and receiving love in our relationships. It can keep us from showing up powerfully in all areas of our lives. When we begin to heal at our core, we can unlock our authenticity and step into a life of true freedom.

Healing both mentally and physically is critical to repair our fractured relationships. A spiritual journey to Reveal, Reconstruct and Transform —expanding our ability to grow in love—ultimately leads to Healing. Only then are we able to fully love and have a relationship built on mutual respect that honors our mothers.

“There is freedom from your thought life and you do have the power over your emotions, and Chequita will help you get there.”

— BRE E.


“Whenever we are faced with challenging things in our lives, we are hit with waves of emotions like dread, fear, anxiety, nausea, and even paralyzing thoughts. These emotions are triggered to help us protect ourselves from damaging things like physical harm, harsh words, or the silent killers of our souls—a look of disapproval or a cold shoulder when we have done something that did not meet with another person’s expectations, like our mothers. Nonetheless, we cannot get to a place of acceptance, forgiveness, or love without walking some hard steps on our journey of life. Most of the hard steps have already been walked which brought us to this point. However, to heal we must walk through a few more hard steps. The good news is, this time, you will not be alone as we march down that road toward healing together.”

– Chequita McCullough


Companion Guide

Chequita McCullough is an author, motivational speaker, life strategist and individual empowerment coach. She is a Certified Professional Coach in the Energy Leadership Index from the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching, as well as a Master Certified Coach in C.O.R.E Dynamics Leadership Development and Transition. Through her work, Chequita helps individuals tap into their true power by teaching them how to align their hearts with their minds, to live authentically and share their divine gifts to change the world.

About the Author:

“I was tired of my life being run by lies, insecurities, and fear; I just had no idea how to break free from it. Chequita walked alongside me and helped carry me to freedom. I still use the tools she gave me to this day and can honestly say I would not be where I am today without her.”



Reclaim Your Power

5 Steps to Reclaim Your Power_optin_group


Acceptance Meditation

One of my most pivotal moments can be found in the anthology, “Turning Point Moments: True Inspirational Stories About Creating a Life That Works for You”

Chapter 29, Discovering My Unconscious Heart

Turning Point Moments is a compilation of 41 authors from 8 countries sharing their personal stories of how they have emerged stronger and happier from what could have been devastating circumstances in their lives. Let these stories of hope and inspiration guide you through your own turning point moment.

Align to Your Highest Potential