Trade Uncertainty for Empowerment to

Balance Your Career, Family and Relationships

As a sought after presenter, panelist, moderator, master-level coach and author, it’s become my life’s purpose to lead and inspire professional women to reach new levels in every aspect of their lives

“Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”

— Ralph Waldo Emerson

“There are those people that come into your life that makes such an astounding impact, and Chequita is one of those people.”


Topics specifically designed to empower professional women

  • Balancing career, family and relationships

  • Changing limiting beliefs into powerful mindsets

  • Building the confidence it takes to reach their potential

  • Finding true authenticity and the freedom it brings

  • Following their own purpose path

Previous Engagements

“Through the years, Chequita’s unwavering support and mentorship has helped shape my perspective and build my confidence, which has furthered my own success in business and in life.”

— HAI L.

Align to Your Highest Potential