Experience Clarity and Confidence to

Transform Your Life

Let go of the self-doubt, fear and uncertainty that’s controlling everything you do. By clearly identifying the core issues holding you back, you can then learn and implement tangible tools that will enable you to work through and overcome anything in your way. The result? Having confidence in yourself as you align your heart and mind to step into your power, ultimately setting you free to live the life you were created for.

My three-step process to Reveal, Reconstruct, and Transform will bring you the results and overall success in life you have always wanted to achieve.


We’ll begin by uncovering your current reality—the honest truth of where you’re at and why—as well as the blocks and limitations in your mindset that are keeping you there.


Next, we’ll create an actionable plan to implement specific tools and steps necessary to begin connecting your heart and mind around your belief system, moving you to a place of empowerment.


Finally, you’ll confidently live as your best authentic self in all areas of your life—career, family and relationships—achieving peace, joy, success and freedom on your terms.

“I was tired of my life being run by lies, insecurities, and fear; I just had no idea how to break free from it. Chequita walked alongside me and helped carry me to freedom. I still use the tools she gave me to this day and can honestly say I would not be where I am today without her.”


Benefits of Coaching:

Coaching offers a solutions-focused partnership with a custom-designed plan based on my client’s agenda and specific needs. Coaching takes what’s inside and translates it into outer goals that can be accomplished as we work together, step-by-step to expedite results.

1:1 Coaching

  • Jumpstart Your Healing Journey – 3 months

  • A Journey Toward HEALING – 6 months

  • VIP Private HEALING Journey – 12 months

Group Coaching

  • Calling All Daugthers!  into HEALING Mastermind (6-8 people) – 12 months – (Coming soon!)

  • Calling Mothers & Daughters into The Power 2 Mastermind (6 duos)  – 12 months – (Coming soon!)

“Working with Chequita has helped transform my life. I struggled a lot with negative self-talk and emotions ran my life. She took time to help unravel lies and weave in truth. She taught me every action comes through thought, and we must ‘think about what we're thinking about’ in order to live a transformed life.”


Align to Your Highest Potential